Домой События Digest of the Architecture of Sochi, August 16-22

Digest of the Architecture of Sochi, August 16-22


August 16

New SanPiN comes into force
These sanitary regulations establish mandatory requirements to be followed when designing, constructing, reconstructing and operating of residential buildings and premises intended for permanent residence.

Construction of Covered Skating Center has began in the Imereti lowland

Skating Center is located next to the Ice Palace for skating. The main part of skating stadium will be hold a sports hall with a central arena, ice tracks and stands for 8,000 spectators. The first phase of the project provides zero-cycle works, installation of the underground gallery to exit athletes, erection of foundation structures.

August 17

Quarter for settlers on Urozhaynaya street

The houses being built in the new quarter on Urozhaynaya street to be move in mainly by those whose real estate locates in the zone of a new road Adler — Vesyoloye. Residential area represents 10 individual building blocks on land of 6.6 hectares. It will be built 47 residential houses from 1 to 3 floors with household plots.

August 18

YugAkademCentre: «Architecture. We make it live»

YugAkademCentre Ltd. was formed in 2007. Creative team of YugAkademCentre is a union of known experienced craftsmen and young talented architects and engineers. Many architects of the company were awarded by prestigious awards on various creative competitions.

Indoor Skating Center in the Olympic Park from «Ginsburg Architects»

Skating Center was designed with the expectation to use after Olympic Games in 2014 as an exhibition complex.

August 19

Construction of the Media Center of Olympic Village In the Imereti lowland has began

The project of the Media Center is designed by the architectural studio «SPeeCH». The complex also includes a three-star hotel for 600 places. Now the works for construction of an artificial foundation are undergoing at the facility with the use of special materials and equipment.

Rosokhrankultura found violations on the reconstruction of the «Caucasian Riviera»

Rosokhrankultura (a federal state agency for protection of cultural heritage) continues an investigation into an illegal demolition of several buildings of Sochi’s sanatorium complex «Caucasian Riviera», which was built in 1909 and is an object of cultural heritage federally listed. On August 18, documents on violations of legislation and a statement of prosecution of directors and officers of JSC «Sanatorium «Caucasian Riviera» were sent to the Prosecutor’s office of Krasnodar Territory.

«the Architecture of Sochi»

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